Personal Computer World 2009 February
StarBurn 10.5
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Text File
546 lines
// dhtml functions: require IE4 or later
var POPUP_COLOR = "LightYellow";
var POPUP_REPEAT = "no-repeat";
var POPUP_IMAGE = "url()";
var IMAGE_OPEN = "%OpenPictureContentsTopic%";
var IMAGE_CLOSE = "%ClosePictureContentsTopic%";
var INDEX_SELECTED = "%OpenPictureNavigatorIndex%";
var INDEX_UNSELECTED = "%ClosePictureNavigatorIndex%";
var CONTENTS_SELECTED = "%OpenPictureNavigatorContents%";
var CONTENTS_UNSELECTED = "%ClosePictureNavigatorContents%";
var ANCHOR = "";
function dhtml_popup(url)
ANCHOR = "";
var pop, main, body, x, y;
// no url? then hide the popup
if (url == null || url.length == 0)
pop = document.all["popupFrame"];
if (pop != null)
pop.style.display = "none";
// if the popup frame is already open, close it first
if (dhtml_popup_is_open())
// the main window is the parent of the popup frame
main = window.parent;
body = main.document.body;
pop = main.document.all["popupFrame"];
// add the popup origin to the event coordinates
x = pop.offsetLeft + window.event.offsetX;
y = pop.offsetTop + window.event.offsetY;
// hide the popup frame
pop.style.display = "none";
// the main window is the current window
main = window;
body = document.body;
if (document.all["popupDiv"] == null)
body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", "<div id='popupDiv'></div>")
pop = document.all["popupFrame"];
// use the event coordinates for positioning the popup
x = window.event.x;
y = window.event.y;
// account for the scrolling text region, if present
var nstx = document.all["nstext"];
if (nstx != null)
if (document.body.scroll == "no")
y += nstx.scrollTop - nstx.offsetTop;
// get the popup frame, creating it if needed
if (pop == null)
var div = document.all["popupDiv"];
if (div == null)
div.innerHTML = "<iframe id=\"popupFrame\" frameborder=\"none\" scrolling=\"none\" style=\"display:none\"></iframe>";
pop = document.all["popupFrame"];
// get frame style
var sty = pop.style;
// load url into frame
var anchorIndex = url.indexOf("#", 0);
if (anchorIndex >= 0)
ANCHOR = url.substr(anchorIndex + 1);
//workaround to reset current src
pop.src = "blank";
pop.src = url.substr(0, anchorIndex);
pop.src = url;
// initialize frame size/position
sty.position = "absolute";
sty.border = "1px solid #cccccc";
sty.posLeft = x + body.scrollLeft - 30000;
sty.posTop = y + body.scrollTop + 15 - 30000;
var wid = body.clientWidth;
sty.posWidth = (wid > 500)? wid * 0.6: wid - 20;
sty.posHeight = 0;
// wait until the document is loaded to finish positioning
main.setTimeout("dhtml_popup_position()", 100);
function dhtml_popup_is_open()
if (window.name != "")
return window.name != "right";
return window.location.href != window.parent.location.href;
function dhtml_popup_position()
// get frame
var pop = document.all["popupFrame"];
var frm = document.frames["popupFrame"];
var sty = pop.style;
if (frm.document.readyState != "complete")
window.setTimeout("dhtml_popup_position()", 100);
if (frm.document.body.all.length == 0)
//if frame is empty, it contains its document, workaround must be applied
if (ANCHOR != "")
//for non-splitting mode topics that are not needed must be hidden
// get containing element (scrolling text region or document body)
var body = document.all["nstext"];
if (body == null)
body = document.body;
// hide navigation/nonscrolling elements, if present
// get content size
sty.display = "block";
sty.posHeight = frm.self.document.body.scrollHeight + 20;
// make content visible
sty.posLeft += 30000;
sty.posTop += 30000;
// adjust x position
if (sty.posLeft + sty.posWidth + 10 - body.scrollLeft > body.clientWidth)
sty.posLeft = body.clientWidth - sty.posWidth - 10 + body.scrollLeft;
// if the frame fits below the link, we're done
if (sty.posTop + sty.posHeight - body.scrollTop < body.clientHeight)
// calculate how much room we have above and below the link
var space_above = sty.posTop - body.scrollTop;
var space_below = body.clientHeight - space_above;
space_above -= 35;
space_below -= 20;
if (space_above < 50) space_above = 50;
if (space_below < 50) space_below = 50;
// if the frame fits above or we have a lot more room there, move it up and be done
if (sty.posHeight < space_above || space_above > 2 * space_below)
if (sty.posHeight > space_above)
sty.posHeight = space_above;
sty.posTop = sty.posTop - sty.posHeight - 30;
// adjust frame height to fit below the link
sty.posHeight = space_below;
function dhtml_popup_elements(doc)
// hide navigation bar, if present
var nav = doc.all["ienav"];
if (nav != null)
nav.style.display = "none";
// set popup background style
doc.body.style.backgroundColor = POPUP_COLOR;
doc.body.style.backgroundImage = POPUP_IMAGE;
doc.body.style.backgroundRepeat = POPUP_REPEAT;
// reset background image/color of title row, if present
var trow = doc.all["TitleRow"];
if (trow != null)
trow.style.backgroundImage = "none";
trow.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
// reset border and background image/color of nonscrolling banner, if present
var nsb = doc.all["nsbanner"];
if (nsb != null)
nsb.style.borderBottom = "0px";
nsb.style.backgroundImage = "none";
nsb.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
nsb.style.display = "none";
// reset background image/color of scrolling text region, if present
var nstx = doc.all["nstext"];
if (nstx != null)
nstx.style.backgroundImage = "none";
nstx.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
function dhtml_nonscrolling_resize()
if (document.body.clientWidth == 0)
var oBanner= document.all.item("nsbanner");
var oText= document.all.item("nstext");
if (oText == null)
var oTitleRow = document.all.item("TitleRow");
if (oTitleRow != null)
oTitleRow.style.padding = "4px 10px 4px 22px;";
if (oBanner != null)
document.body.scroll = "no"
oText.style.overflow = "auto";
oBanner.style.width = document.body.clientWidth;
oText.style.paddingRight = "20px"; // Width issue code
oText.style.width = document.body.clientWidth;
oText.style.top = 0;
if (document.body.offsetHeight > oBanner.offsetHeight + 4)
oText.style.height = document.body.offsetHeight - oBanner.offsetHeight - 4;
oText.style.height = 0;
// try{nstext.setActive();} //allows scrolling from keyboard as soon as page is loaded. Only works in IE 5.5 and above.
// catch(e){}
window.onresize = d2hnsresize;
window.onbeforeprint = d2h_before_print;
window.onafterprint = d2h_after_print;
// d2h functions: browser-independent
function d2hie()
var ie = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie");
return ie != -1 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4;
function d2hpopup(url)
// use dhtml if we can
if (d2hie())
return false;
// use regular popups
if (url != null && url.length > 0)
var pop = window.open(url, '_d2hpopup', 'resizable=1,toolbar=0,directories=0,status=0,location=0,menubar=0,height=300,width=400');
pop.focus(); // if the popup was already open
pop.onblur = "self.close()"; // doesn't work, not sure why...
// and ignore the click
return false;
function d2hwindow(url, name)
if (name != 'main')
window.open(url, name, 'scrollbars=1,resizable=1,toolbar=0,directories=0,status=0,location=0,menubar=0,height=300,width=400');
return false;
return true;
function d2hcancel(msg, url, line)
return true;
function d2hload()
window.onerror = d2hcancel;
if (window.name == '_d2hpopup')
var major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
if (major >= 4)
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (agent.indexOf("msie") != -1)
document.all.item("ienav").style.display = "none";
document.layers['nsnav'].visibility = 'hide';
function d2hframeload()
// for compatibility with HTML generated by earlier versions
function d2htocload()
if (d2hie())
var id, elt;
var count = document.all.length;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
elt = document.all.item(i);
if (elt.id.substring(0, 1) == "c")
elt.style.display = "none";
else if (elt.id.substring(0, 2) == "mi")
d2himage(elt, IMAGE_CLOSE, "closed.gif");
function d2hclick()
if (d2hie())
var id = window.event.srcElement.id;
var n = id.substring(0, 1);
if (id.substring(0, 1) != "m")
var sub = id.substring(2);
var elt = document.all.item("c" + sub);
var img = document.all.item("mi" + sub);
if (elt != null)
if (elt.style.display == "none")
elt.style.display = "";
d2himage(img, IMAGE_OPEN, "open.gif");
elt.style.display = "none";
d2himage(img, IMAGE_CLOSE, "closed.gif");
// Sets a specified relative URL of image to specified HTML element
function d2himage(element, image, def)
if (element != null)
// Sets the default image if open image is not initialized
if (image.substring(0, 2) == "%O")
image = def;
// Sets the default image if close image is not initialized
else if (image.substring(0, 2) == "%C")
image = def;
// Hide element if image is missing
if (image == "")
element.style.visibility = "hidden";
// Sets the specified image to element and displays it
element.src = image;
element.style.visibility = "visible";
function d2hswitchpane(id)
var sel, unsel, selimg, unselimg;
var prefix = id.substring(0, 8);
if (prefix == "D2HIndex")
sel = document.all("D2HIndex");
unsel = document.all("D2HContents");
else if (prefix == "D2HConte")
sel = document.all("D2HContents");
unsel = document.all("D2HIndex");
if (sel != null)
sel.className = sel.id + "Selected";
var selimgelm = document.all(sel.id + "Image");
d2himage(selimgelm, selimg, "");
if (unsel != null)
unsel.className = unsel.id + "Unselected";
var unselimgelm = document.all(unsel.id + "Image");
d2himage(unselimgelm, unselimg, "");
function d2hactivepane()
var id = "D2HContents";
var frms = window.parent.frames;
if (frms.length < 2)
return id;
var frm = frms("left");
if (frm == null)
return id;
var body = frm.document.body;
if (body != null)
id = body.id;
return id;
function d2hnsresize()
if (d2hie())
var id = d2hactivepane();
function d2h_before_print()
document.body.scroll = "yes";
var oText = document.all.item("nstext");
if (oText != null)
oText.style.overflow = "visible";
oText.style.width = "100%";
var nav = document.all["ienav"];
if (nav != null)
nav.style.display = "none";
var oBanner = document.all.item("nsbanner");
if (oBanner != null)
oBanner.style.borderBottom = "0px";
oBanner.style.margin = "0px 0px 0px 0px";
oBanner.style.width = "100%";
function d2h_after_print()
function d2h_set_popup_html(doc)
doc.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML;
var frame = doc.all("popupFrame");
if (frame != null)
var nst = doc.all["nstext"];
if (nst != null)
nst.style.paddingTop = "0px";
nst.style.paddingLeft = "10px";
nst.style.removeAttribute("top", false);
nst.style.removeAttribute("width", false);
nst.style.removeAttribute("height", false);
var count = doc.all.length;
var elt, i;
//need to reset onclick event to prevent script error
//because scripts don't work when body is copied from document to frame
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
elt = doc.all.item(i);
if ((elt.tagName == "A") || (elt.tagName == "a"))
elt.onclick = "";
function d2h_hide_unused_elements(doc)
var title = doc.all["TitleRow"];
if (title != null)
title.style.display = "none";
var nsb = doc.all["nsbanner"];
if (nsb != null)
nsb.style.display = "none";
var count = doc.all.length;
var show = false, inTopic = false, id, elt, i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
elt = doc.all.item(i);
var id = elt.id;
if (!inTopic && (id.length > 10) && (id.substring(0, 10) == "_D2HTopic_"))
inTopic = true;
if (elt.className == "_D2HAnchor")
show = (elt.name == ANCHOR);
if (inTopic && !show)
elt.style.display = "none";